School Teams & Committees

P.S. 59 Parent's Association

P.S. 59’s Parents’ Association is an integral part of our community. It serves the students in many ways and thus serves the school. Some examples include coordinating student portraits and hosting celebrations to recognize students for their success. To function effectively, the PA needs volunteers with a broad range of talents and skills. We encourage all parents to become involved and attend PS 59’s Parents Association meetings which are held on a monthly basis. The following parents are members of PS 59 Parent’s Association:

President: Cynthia Colon
Secretary: Francely Santos  
Treasurer: Luz Nieves 

Contact us via email:

Attendance Team

Improving attendance is not a solo sport. P.S 59's Attendance Team meets regularly to coordinate efforts to reduce chronic absence, including the work of success mentors. Our team is responsible for organizing the schools’ attendance strategy. We as a team members have a two main responsibilities. First, we look at individual students who are chronically absent and ensuring their needs are met using all available resources. Second, we monitor what is happening overall for all students and student sub-groups at a school site. Find resources provided to us as a school to support our families on getting their students to school everyday and on time on the NYC DOE website

Have a question for our Attendance Team, contact us!


School Leadership Team (SLT)

Our School Leadership Team (SLT) functions as the management team, representing the educational community of the school. It oversees the planning and restructuring process to ensure our children are provided with quality education and increased teacher and parent participation. 

The School Leadership Team is composed of a core team: the Principal, Assistant Principal, UFT Chapter Chairperson, Parent Association President, and other parent members and elected UFT members, one of whom is the chairperson of the team .